
Colorization by Wil Haygood
Colorization by Wil Haygood

Colorization by Wil Haygood

The Columbus Museum of Art hosts a unique, one-day immersive film program for teens with Wil Haygood to cultivate and inspire the next generation of cultural producers.

Colorization by Wil Haygood Colorization by Wil Haygood

All events can be found at: Saturday, Oct. This series of events is something at which Columbus arts organization excel and continues the spirit of collaboration born during the “Harlem Renaissance: I, Too, Sing America” celebration, a year-long series of events presented by more than 30 area cultural organizations in 2018. In 2018, he published “TIGERLAND: 1968-1969: A City Divided, a Nation Torn Apart and a Magical Season of Healing” and curated the catalog for the Columbus Museum of Art’s “Harlem Renaissance: I, Too, Sing America” exhibition. Columbus Arts Organizations Celebrate Wil Haygood and the Release of “Colorization: 100 Years of Black Films in a White World”ĬOLUMBUS, Ohio-Columbus once again demonstrates its collaborative spirit by hosting a series of arts events and community conversations to celebrate the release of author Wil Haygood’s “Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World.”īorn in Columbus, Haygood has authored multiple nonfiction books including “The Butler: A Witness to History” (2013) “Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America” (2015) “In Black and White: The Life of Sammy Davis, Jr.” (2003) and “The Haygoods of Columbus” (1997), among others.

Colorization by Wil Haygood