Furniture, technology, books, crafts, ornaments, and more. Picture all of the "things" that reside in your home. Death is portrayed as a less negative issue that we must positively address, which ties into the basic notion of "death cleaning" in the first place. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning appears to be a surprisingly encouraging book. But it doesn't mean we have to be glum about it.

It's in the title and the trailer's opening. Despite the unpleasant link with death, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning will seek to make us more comfortable with our final fate, letting go of unimportant attachments to worldly possessions in favor of those we feel really attached to. While the mind can bring up visions of murder scenes or frightening thrillers, the reality is far from it. Out of context, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning seems somewhat gloomy.